Creating very unique Learning Experiences

The image shows a young man with a tablet sitting in a corn field. This stands for creating a very special learning experience
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Creating new learning experiences doesn't have to be hard. In fact, if you use some basic techniques, you can create proper learning content and settings for your organization, your students, or your friends.

The first step of creating unique Learning Experiences is to engage the learners. You need to make sure that the content is interesting and relevant to them. Once you have their attention, it’s time to keep the flow!

Let’s see how you can improve your Learning Experience in five simple steps:

  1. Creating interesting and relevant content
  2. Tie new information to things already known
  3. Build a small course exactly for your audience
  4. Present new information in an engaging way
  5. Give your audience a chance to test their skills

Let’s have a look in detail. Shall we?

Creating interesting and relevant content

In order to keep students interested in what they are learning, educators need to make sure that the content is both interesting and relevant. One way to do this is to find ways to connect the material to real-world examples.

For instance, if you’re teaching a history lesson on the American Revolution, you could discuss how the events of that time period still affect our lives today.

Another strategy is to use technology in the classroom. By incorporating video, audio, and interactive elements into your lessons, you can help students stay engaged with the material.

Finally, it’s important to remember that different students have different interests and learning styles. By catering your lessons to the individual needs of your students, you can help ensure that everyone can stay engaged and learn effectively.

Tie new information to things already known

When we are trying to learn something new, it can be helpful to tie it to something we already know. This helps our brains make the connection between the new information and something that is already familiar.

For example, if you are attempting to learn a new word in a foreign language, you might try to find a word in your native language that has a similar meaning. This can help you remember the new word more easily.

Another way to make connections between new information and what we already know is to relate it to our personal experiences. If you are trying to understand a concept in mathematics, for instance, you might think about a time when you used that concept in real life. By making these kinds of connections, we can better remember and understand new information.

Build a small course exactly for your audience

When designing a learning experience, it is essential to tailor the material to the specific age group, interests and abilities of the students. By taking the time to build a course that is exactly right for your audience, you will ensure that they get the most out of the experience and are more likely to recommend your services to others.

Start small and build small prototypes of learning sequences. Test them with your audience. Learn from their reactions and feedbacks. Improve your course and make it bigger.

Present new information in an engaging way

In today’s world, there are a variety of ways to present new information. Gone are the days of simply lecturing to a room full of students. Now, learning can take place in a variety of formats, including audio, video, and interactive quizzes and surveys.

This allows students to engage with the material in a way that best suits their learning style. As a result, they are more likely to retain the information and be able to apply it in the real world. Whether you are teaching a group of students or presenting new information to colleagues, be sure to take advantage of the many tools available to make the whole learning experience engaging and effective.

Give your audience a chance to test their skills

Skills testing is a best practice that allows you to assess your audience’s skills and knowledge on a particular topic. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as quizzes, surveys, or exercises.

By testing your audience’s skills, you can ensure that they are best prepared for your project or work. Additionally, you can use skill testing to identify gaps in your audience’s knowledge, which can then be addressed through further training or education. Ultimately, giving your audience a chance to test their skills is a great way to ensure that they are best prepared to meet your expectations.

This animated GIF shows 3 stages of creating a learning experience with Get More Brain. The base is bitmark as a structured language to create learning content. The second stage is the enrichment of the base content with interactive learning-bits. Stage 3 is the mobiel messenger-based experience using the content in Get More Brain.
Creating unique learning experiences based on the three layers of Get More Brain.

We help you improve YOUR learning experience

EdTech, or educational technology, is one of the most rapidly growing industries today. There are now apps and websites for everything from learning a new language to managing your time more effectively. In addition, EdTech is being used in more and more schools, universities and organizations to create new learning settings and experiences for students.

Get More Brain is listed as one of the top EdTech StartUps in Switzerland. Whether you’re looking for a way to improve your grades or simply want to learn in a more interactive and engaging way, Get More Brain will help you. We are in closed beta right now, but will open our app to the public soon.

We can help you find the right Learning Experience and the right Learning Content for your needs. Contact us today to get started.

This post appeared first on our Medium Channel.

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